"Plebe candidate, what is the mission of the United States Merchant Marine Academy?"
"Sir! Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! The mission of the United States Merchant Marine Academy is to graduate outstanding young Americans with definite ambitions to serve as leaders in the United States maritime industry. To impart to them the necessary academic background and fundamentals of a nautical and military education essential for a successful maritime career. And through effective teaching, training, and guidance, to send them forth to their calling with a deep respect and affection for the United States Merchant Marine Academy and it's Corps, Sir!"
"And plebe candidate, what can you tell me about the Academy flagpole?"
"Sir, Midshipman 4th Class Farmer John, Sir! The flagpole of the United States Merchant Marine Academy is 172' tall and is topped by a 2' figure of an eagle. The pole is made from copper-bearing hydraulically swaged steel. It's base rests in a 10'x10'x10' foundation of concrete. Sir!"
"Is that all, plebe candidate?"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! It is all I can remember, sir!"
"Is that one of your permitted answers, plebe candidate Farmer John?"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! No, Sir!"
"Then why can't you tell me where the pole came from or when it was erected?"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! No excuse, Sir!"
"Fine then report to the flagpole at 2am tonight with your rifle. Perhaps if you must guard this flagpole with your life you'll soon learn to tell me everything there is to know about it. Do you understand?"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! Yes, Sir!"
"Good, I'll meet you there. Be prepared to tell me all about this pole when you arrive. Do you understand me, plebe candidate?"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! Yes, Sir!"
"Good, but how come you aren't bracing, plebe candidate? I can see light between the back of your neck and this bulkhead. I believe I can even fit this paper between the back of your neck and the bulkhead. Are you doing this just to piss me off, plebe candidate? Don't you respect me?"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! No, Sir! I mean, yes Sir! I do respect you, Sir!"
"Then show it and BRACE, MISTER! Heels to the bulkhead! Shoulders, back! Head back! Neck touching that bulkhead! I want to see CHINS, MISTER!!!"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! Yes, Sir!"
"That's better! Now don't forget our date."
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! No, Sir!"
"Carry on"
"Sir, Midshipman Fourth Class Farmer John, Sir! Yes, Sir!"

Sir yes sir!...ooorahh! Heh
We were required to "sound off" with our name and rank before answering any questions. I didn't have to use the term "Maam, yes Maam!" until my junior year. The class ahead of mine (Class of '78) was the first to integrate women. Kings Point was the "test case" for all the federal service academies. Women entered into the other four schools, USMA West Point, USNA Annapolis, USCGA New London and USAFA Colorado Springs the following year (Class of '79).
I had a couple of reserve officers who were USMA grads. They worked on oil tankers went they weren't doing their reserve time.
Yes, the US merchant fleet has very ships involved in "foreign" trade. The only place you find them are in jobs covered under the Jones Act.
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