Dear Mom, Dad & Victor, June 16, 1975 (but actually July 16, 1975)
Am going through indoctrination period and they keep our time so tight that I only have 5 minutes to write before going to bed. I arrived alright. This indoctrination is murder! Am already wishing for Christmas leave to come home & see everybody! Victor, take care of my room and my stereo and guns for me. Dad, I brought so much civilian clothes, I don't know what to do with it. Hope your clerk job came through, Mom. Ooops lights out!
Farmer John
PS Won't be able to mail for few days, sorry.
write at
M/S Farmer John
Box #xxx USMMA
Kings Point, New York 11024
please keep this in case I lose it: combination to box E3-U3
I remember writing letters in the head after taps
you were just a baby!
it's simply astonishing how in times of separation all we can think about is letting those who love us know we still wish to remain attached to them. even a simple note.
you are so thoughtful, farmer.
I wrote home almost every day. This is the only letter from the first six weeks of Indoctrination where I wasn't "whining" to come home. Didn't have the time to whine, just feel, I guess.
My parents must have expected me to come walking in their door at any moment...
Fortunately, I was too stubborn to quit outright. I guess I wasn't that "thrilled" with the prospect at living back home either. Eighteen and independent. That was my dream.
If I was being thoughtful, it came from feeling sorry for myself. It was all about "me" back then. I was an idiot.
I was the same way fj
Getting out of the "me" mode is part of growing up. You 2 seem to have navigated those waters, there are to many who run aground!
I just came over here to visit after seeing you do battle on another blog. I checked your profile, and when I saw a blog entitled "sea stories" I knew you had to have been either Navy or Marine Corps.
Looks like an interesting place, I'll have to read on through.
hey hermit....yea need to dust around here...please make yourself at home
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